BSL Group | Group of excellence | Private security and surveillance company2018-08-30T18:07:42+02:00



Human security and surveillance are not just about technology anymore, the “human touch” has become more and more important to manage it all intelligently. Find out about BSL Sécurité’s solutions of excellence.



On the basis of their know-how as far as human surveillance is concerned, BSL has developed over the past few years, a wide range of added value and hight technicality services for the security and safety of assets and people.



Thifany is a branch specialized in hospitality and onsite events. In addition to security activities, BSL wishes to meet its clients needs so they benefit from the same high-quality service as far as hospitality is concerned.



Sécuralliance is the first European security network created by independants employers. Grouping of six companies (ASC, BSL, SGP & ATS/FMS), they offer key accounts a new approach to security.



Global Securalliance is the very first worldwide security network, it gathers companies wishing to meet their clients needs all around the world. Of such partnership was born a global security with local support concept.


Prestigious brand’s security
The 10 commandments of the « luxury attitude”

Make an appointment for a personalised presentation of the ‘luxury attitude” method that has been developed by the BSL Group for the security of luxury boutiques. Trainings serving excellence, “dresscode”, suits designed in Milan, profiling-stylists dedicated to officers… you will find out all the means implemented by BSL for its clients.

Yes I want to meet the person in charge with the “luxury attitude” concept !

A group of SMEs based on excellence of services

For more than 25 years, BSL GROUP has developed a global offer of services with very high requirement levels: security and human surveillance, hospitality staff and hostesses, sourcing and recruitment, installation and technical maintenance, audit and technological consulting… With more than 700 permanent employees across France, more than 20 million € turnover and a 15% annual growth rate, BSL offers full assurance of strength and sustainability for companies as well as major groups seeking proximity, creativity and reliability.