BSL Group | Private security and surveillance company | Passion of excellence2018-06-12T15:51:06+02:00


The BSL GROUP’s growth has been built around three key principles:

Our moto “Better For Leaders” expresses perfectly our requirement for excellence and has made our group a SME which philosophy is based on client satisfaction.

The complementarity between our know-how and the management of our growth is an asset to assist our clients in their search for high-quality services or when they wish to internationalize. We have always priviledged our almost 30 years of expertise and acquired skills, rather than spreading ourselves too thin or rushing our growth. We have wanted to decide, as far our choices and our future are concerned, for ourselves.

BSL is a group lead by a team of talented men and women. Our decisions with our clients are not dictated by financial interests from outside the company.

Such is our credo to make of BSL an exemple as a French company of excellence.
